On 28/06/2013 00:18, Arthur Murray wrote:
Using "Add Series" from the get_iplayer.cgi on a prog name with a
question mark in it ("Who Were the Greeks?") fills in the "search0"
field of the pvr file with the question mark and therefore does not
match. (search0 ^Who Were the Greeks?$).  If the question mark is
escaped it will match (search0 ^Who Were the Greeks\?$).  What is the
correct place to correct this, in the cgi, or in get_iplayer and
specifically where?

(Encoding the question mark to ? doesn't work, only escaping it does.)

# from cgi
# Add Series
$links .= label( {
         -class=>'search pointer_noul',
         -title=>"Add Series '$prog{$pid}->{name}' to PVR",
form.SEARCH.value='".encode_entities("^$prog{$pid}->{name}\$")."'; ...

Sample of ugly fixing in cgi:

  my $encoded = encode_entities("^$prog{$pid}->{name}\$");
  $encoded =~ s/\?/\\\\\\\?/;

... form.SEARCH.value='$encoded';  ...

You're in the right place.  Try this patch:


You can apply it directly from:


This patch escapes every non-alphanumeric character in the programme name and then removes the escaping from whitespace characters for readability. The question mark is probably the only problematic character likely to appear in programme names, but we might as well make the escaping generic. If this change works for you I'll merge it into get_iplayer.

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