On 17 July 2013 11:58, michael norman <michaeltnor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17/07/13 11:43, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer wrote:
>> michael norman <michaeltnor...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 17/07/13 11:06, Square Penguin wrote:
>>>> TBH I had reservations about the logo before launching the site and I
>>>> hear the concerns raised here.
>>> And your reservations were shared where exactly.
>> There's no reason why SP's reservations should have been shared anywhere.
>> And, with free, open-source software, any of us - or anyone else - is free
>> to do anything we like with it.  Nobody has to ask anyone's permission
>> first.
> Lets be clear here you are saying that anyone, anywhere has the right to do
> exactly what they like with free or opensource software without reference to
> any other individual anywhere ?

For their own use then basically yes.  However if they distribute the
software to others they must follow the terms of the license.  Of
course if they use the s/w to do something illegal or infringe someone
else's rights then that is a different matter.


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