On 10/12/2013 09:04, Jimmy Aitken wrote:
Is it possible to download information on programmes that have expired
from get_iplayer?

e.g.  Doctor Blake episode 1 is no longer on inlayer, but the web page
at http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03kk6j0 is there.

I'm wanting to tag  a few files I already have, but not downloaded via
the history in my current get_iplayer history file.

You can use --tag-only --history pid:<PID>, but only if you create a fake entry in your download history file that points to your MP4 file. You only need to populate the pid, type, and filename fields, however. A couple of items (category/genre and tv network) will be missing with this method, but you can fill in the corresponding fields in the history file and they'll be copied into the MP4 file as well. Look at an existing history record for the structure.

You may find all this is not worth the bother. You can copy and paste all the same information from the programme page you referenced.

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