If you're aiming to get something like PVR functionality, i.e.
downloading all episodes of a specific programme, what's working for
me is:

(for radio)

(1) Find the programme's overall PID (there's probably a proper name
for this, but I don't know it) within iPlayer. Start at
http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio and search for the programme name (using
the "Find a programme" disguised low-contrast search box, not the one
at the top of the page that actually looks like a search box). Or use
the A-Z list of programmes. In any case, the URL given for the
programme title will contain this overall PID.

e.g. the shipping forecast has b006qfvv .

(2) Build a URL from that using this template:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/$PID/episodes/player .

e.g. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qfvv/episodes/player

(3) Bookmark that URL and load it each day, looking for new episodes.
(You might automate this. I couldn't possibly comment.) The episode
title will contain the individual episode PID.

e.g. as I write the most recent Shipping Forecast links to
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04mb103 .

(4) Download that PID with get_iplayer.

e.g. get_iplayer --metadata generic --type radio --pid b04mb103 --get

(If you're on Windows, do whatever you already do on the Windows
command line. I don't use it and can't help you.)

For television the process is similar, but the overall programme link
will be something like http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b006mj59
(for Top Gear) and you can omit the --type radio.


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