On 6 Jan 2015 at 16:12, Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer Jeremy Nicoll - ml 
get_iplayer <jn.ml.gti...@wingsandbeaks.org.uk> wrote:

> I'm not sure I'd do it at all though, because I find I always want to sanity
> check the size of fetched files, and for TV programmes I always load what's
> arrived into VLC and make sure that the end credits are actually there.  

Snap, I do the same as in the past I had found some missing last x minutes 
and no longer on iplayer
> I fetch files with a "$GRAB" prefix on their names that shows me that the
> file that's arrived has not yet been checked; when I'm sure a file is ok I
> strip that off.

That's a good idea. I sort download folder by date, but this will help 
identify those not checked when I do a bulk download.


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