On 15 Mar 2015 at 23:13, Howard Orgel Howard Orgel 
<howard.or...@orgels.demon.co.uk> wrote:

> On Sun, 15 Mar 2015 20:41:13 +0000, Peter S Kirk wrote:
> > Release notes:
> > "The installer will update the following components to the indicated 
> > versions:
> > Component   Version
> > get_iplayer main script     2.92"
> Thank you, Peter.  Yes I read that _before_ I updated and I thought it was
> wrong.  I'd already looked at the commitdif pages for all the commits
> between v2.91 and v2.92 (55 of them, I'm a glutton for punishment) and was
> aware that there have been significant changes to three files: the main
> script (get_iplayer(.pl)), the web server script (get_iplayer.cgi), and
> the manual script (get_iplayer.1).


Like you I thought the single file update seemed odd and probably 
implausible given the updates needed to Web PVR as you mentioned. Unlike 
you I have not read the commits etc.

I was hoping Dinky or Vangelis would see the posts and confirm what files 
are updated for those who do not enjoy reading source code commits.



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