>  As well as removing the "Dynamite" TV listing feeds,
> the BBC have extended their magnanimousness by also
> blocking the legacy XML playlist URLs, in the form:
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/playlist/[PID]

Do you think this was aimed at us?

>  To answer a question posed by Square Penguin
> yesterday on the list:
> http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/get_iplayer/2015-June/007730.html
> it was this blocking of XML playlists that broke
> LiveTV & LiveRadio (via AppleHLS) in GiP 2.92!
> GiP could not use that template URL to retrieve the vPID
> for e.g. --pid=bbc_radio_one, so GiP gave the error described here:
> https://squarepenguin.co.uk/forums/topic/the-bbc-has-blown-up-live-tv-streaming-no-workaround/

Obviously there are other ways to get this info without the playlists being 
available as live TV and radio has now been restored. It could even be scraped 
from the page source code if it came to it couldn't it?

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