Please can somebody show me a working example of the "command" function.

This is what I'm trying...
get_iplayer --force --type=radio --mode=flashaaclow --command="ffmpeg -i 
XfileprefixX.m4a -vn -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 96k XfileprefixX.mp3; rm 
XfileprefixX.m4a" --get "Bells on Sunday"

But it ignores the "command" to leave only the downloaded m4a file and an error 
XfileprefixX.m4a: No such file or directory
INFO: Command exit code 1 (raw code = 256)
ERROR: Command Exit Code: 1

It can't seem to find the m4a file to let it re-encode and delete.
Should I be using something else instead of "XfileprefixX.mp3" and 

My operating system is Ubuntu-12.04.

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