On Wed Apr 20 20:11:00 BST 2016, Don Grunbaum wrote:

However, running the pvr in full, it is now working. :-)
The only significant change seems to be the naming of the file
starting with ONCE. Does that make a difference?

... The reason for your initial failure is that you did not
follow my instructions "to the letter", despite me stressing

(Notice the prefix "ONCE_" in the PVR search's name,
because this is a pid related PVR job.)

The "ONCE_" prefix makes all the difference in the world!
You can successfully add a PVR job via:

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=p03lsql7 --pid-recursive --modes=best 

but when you run it, it'll fail:

get_iplayer --pvr-single="BBC_Radio_2_50s"  =>

Running PVR Searches:

INFO: 0 Matching Programmes

... whereas if you did as instructed:

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=p03lsql7 --pid-recursive --modes=best 

get_iplayer --pvr-single="ONCE_BBC_Radio_2_50s" =>

Running PVR Searches:
INFO: Brand pid detected
INFO:  Brand: 'BBC Radio 2 50s' (p03lsql7)
WARNING: rdf URL contained no data
WARNING: Series PID rdf URL contained no RDF data.
INFO:    Series: <None>
INFO:      Episode 'Sounds of the 50s with Leo Green ' (p03lt5d7)
INFO:      Episode 'My Buddy & I: Chris and Noah Evans' (p03lxcsr)
INFO:      Episode 'Jamie Cullum&#x2019;s Fifties Jazz' (p03lxcsv)
INFO:      Episode 'Art of Artists &#x2013; 50s Stars' (p03lxcsy)
INFO:      Episode 'Richard Hawley' (p03lxct0)

I would rather have "brand" PIDs in the PVR
than name matches for a lot of what I download.
If they all have to start with ONCE, I can deal with that.

Just to be clear on this, the "--pid-recursive" switch together with a
brand or series PID was designed to only work with the CLI,
not the WebPVRManager GUI (it doesn't) nor the PVR function of GiP
(it doesn't by default).
Adding the "ONCE_" prefix to the PVR job name in order to "force" it
to work in the PVR was my own finding, as a result of experimentation
on my part, after noticing that PID-based PVR jobs all had "ONCE_" prefixed
to their names (which also contained the pid string...).

For the history of it, I was recording via a named PVR job
the World Service "Top of the Pops" radio programme
but when the time changed on Sun Oct 25th 2015 (1 hour back),
it stopped appearing inside the radio.cache,
hence the PVR recordings stopped.
This was the result of it being discontinued in the "online"
schedule of WS, it appears GiP 2.94 is only using the "online"
WS feed to populate the radio.cache
This is probably an issue on its own, since there exist eight (8)
other schedule variants of BBCWS:
and "Top of the Pops" continues to appear in at least 7 of those
(in fact, it does not show up in the "online" one, used in GiP 2.94,
and in the "UK DAB/Freeview" one, used in GiP 2.95dev -
so tough luck for me...).
So I was after a way to continue my scheduled recordings
of TOTPs via PVR, hence I arrived at the result I posted
(i.e. making use of its brandPID=p029zl67 along with the
"--pid-recursive" switch in a "ONCE_" pvr job...)

Two suggestions for the maintainer:
1. Allow GiP user to select which of the 9 available BBCWS
schedule feeds is to be used for the radio.cache
2. Implement --pid-recursive with brand/seriesPID in a PVR
job in a more straightforward fashion...

Just my two-pence...

Kind regards,

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