On 2016-11-28 10:08, d.l...@surrey.ac.uk wrote:
export IPLAYER_OUTDIR=/home/Media/iPlayer
/usr/bin/perl /root/get_iplayer_dev/get_iplayer/get_iplayer.cgi
--port=8080 --getiplayer=/root/get_iplayer_dev/get_iplayer/get_iplayer

... to start get_iplayer

Where do I look for an options file?  I have nothing in the PVR and no
streaming set-up as far as I can tell.

Hmm, well I know nothing about running g_ip under Linux, but I guess that if
you issue

 /usr/bin/perl /root/get_iplayer_dev/get_iplayer/get_iplayer --help-long

it might give you some clues.  In fact

/usr/bin/perl /root/get_iplayer_dev/get_iplayer/get_iplayer --dump-options

will, I think, show you all saved options, which would be a start.  Aha

/usr/bin/perl /root/get_iplayer_dev/get_iplayer/get_iplayer --show-options

will (according to quite an old help file I'm looking at here) list the options
AND show where they were defined.


Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own

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