Thank you Ralph, that's a really helpful start.  I've done a bit of coding in 
years gone by but never really touched Perl, and not done anything for about 
ten years.  Adding that output statement told me that:

501 Protocol scheme 'https' is not supported (LWP::Protocol::https not 
Content-Type: text/plain
Client-Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2017 00:51:01 GMT
Client-Warning: Internal response

LWP will support https URLs if the LWP::Protocol::https module
is installed.\n

(as an aside: David's point was helpful too - I'm running version 2.052.1 of 
IO::Socket::SSL (although I don't believe that I previously had this installed 
- I did install it after John Reay's report that it resolved the issue for him.)

So I installed LWP::Protocol::https (v6.07), with its dependency 'Mozilla-CA' 
and, as if by magic, everything is back to normal.  Just for good measure, I 
installed the Mojolicious package and I can avoid the warnings and use 
concurrent indexing.

Thanks again Ralph - I'm sure I could have got there in the end, but it would 
probably have taken me a couple of hours to work out what to insert into the 
code and where.  Not that I object to putting in some time, I just don't have a 
lot to spare and could easily spend that time and still be no further forward.  
So thank you for sharing the knowledge.

As for the cygwin issue, mentioned by a few other posters: I've always run gip 
under cygwin.  I think when I first began to use it there was no windows 
version available. (According to my download_history, using Richard's method to 
extract the date from the epoch-timestamp, this was probably in early 2010.)  
While I've long aspired to run 'real'     linux, or at least dual boot, I've 
never managed to prioritise the time to make it happen, and cygwin is pretty 
good for what I need.  I've never considered cygwin to be 'asking for trouble', 
but I recognise that it may have limitations.

The thing which I still don't really understand is that nothing changed on my 
system, and gip became broken.  Does this mean that there was a switch from 
http to https at the BBC's end?  If so, I'm surprised that this wasn't more 
widely known about.  Normally, by the time I notice that gip has stopped 
working I find a lot of traffic on this list from people with the same problem. 
 I remain very grateful to the developer for providing fixes so quickly in such 

Thank you all.  Every day is a school day ;-)


From: Ralph Corderoy <>
To: Jon Crookston <> 
Sent: Thursday, 9 November 2017, 16:08
Subject: Re: Problem with 3.06 PVR

Hi Jon,

> I'm struggling to know where to look next - there isn't any real clue
> in the program output - is there a way to find out *why* it fails "to
> download programme schedule
>"; etc.?

The code ignores the error and just tries again up to a given number of
retries.  Try modifying the code to give more information.

Make a back up copy of your get_iplayer script.  Edit it and find
`sub request_url_retry' at the start of a line.  A few paragraphs down,
add the `$res->dump();' line where it's shown below, then save the file.

    for ($i = 0; $i < $retries; $i++) {
            $res = $ua->request( HTTP::Request->new( GET => $url ) );
            if ( ! $res->is_success ) {
                    logger $failmsg if $i == $retries - 1;
            } else {
                    logger $succeedmsg;

You should now get output on those failures.

Cheers, Ralph.

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