From: Ralph Corderoy
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2017 8:11 AM

Doesn't look as though using --verbose gives any information to help
with the problem.

Well, it wasn't going to include anything about the unlinks returning
errors and what those errors were.  :-)

I was hoping to see what was happening in ffmpeg.  For that you need to set


The new default --ffmpeg-loglevel=fatal tells you nothing.

I have never used any of the DVF modes. Has anyone else used them and did they work correctly? I have used --hls-hq-audio with HLS which also downloads video and audio separately and combines them with the ffmpeg -map option. That works correctly.

The only occurrence of the -map option is at line 5955, to build the ffmpeg command at 5970, so it must be the same code for both.

I don't know the usage for unlink.  At 5988

{unlink( $audio_file, $video_file );

acts on two files together.  You could try separating them as

{unlink $audio_file;
unlink $video_file;

Best wishes

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