On 6 June 2018 at 09:43, Jimmy Aitken <jimmy.ait...@gmail.com> wrote:
> and friends, but it was the simple IO::Socket that was causing me
> issues.

To clarify matters (or perhaps just muddy them further), the original
error is unrelated to IO::Socket. It is a by-product of the broken
LWP::Protocol::https module shipped by Apple. When
LWP::Protocol::https changed a few years ago to require Mozilla::CA,
Apple didn't follow suit and add it to the system, so
LWP::Protocol::https dies when Mozilla::CA isn't found . This has come
up several times in GiP forums. I saw it in 3.12 as the Beeb began to
do more http->https redirections. With GiP now requiring secure
connections, this broken https support can kill most of the web access
in the application. I noticed the Mac installation instructions were
changed for 3.13 to require Mozilla::CA, but it seems now that is no
longer needed since a Mac installer for GiP is provided.

This problem didn't affect Mojolicious-related parts of GiP because
until recently Mojolicious didn't require certificate verification by
default, and it doesn't directly depend on Mozilla:CA. Mojolicious
does use IO::Socket::SSL to locate a CA bundle, but that can utilise
an OpenSSL installation as well as Mozilla::CA. As I discovered with
some other applications, it also pays to install a newer
IO::Socket::SSL on Macs. That was also added to the instructions for
GiP 3.13 but is presumably no longer needed, either. Debian patches
LWP::Protocol::https to use their own managed CA bundle instead of the
one delivered by Mozilla::CA. If only Apple would follow suit.

If you see errors like those in the original post, run GiP with
--verbose, which will expose any HTTP communication and connection

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