On Tue Jul 24 15:13:06 BST 2018, Jim Lesurf wrote:
and they show a little 'clock' item and a text showing something
like '2d' which I take to mean 'available for another two days'.

... Wrong! "2d" designates the rough time (in calendar days) that has passed since the audio | video clip ("excerpt" in your terminology) was first made available (uploaded) on that page (i.e. iPlayerRadio)
E.g. Prom 5, on Tue 17 Jul 2018

https://www.bbc.co.uk/events/ecc6gw =>
https://www.bbc.co.uk/events/ecc6gw/play/ahfxc8/p06f928w [5d]

Now, the correct pid is the final string, so --pid=p06f928w

Navigate to this URL https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06f928w and you'll find the audio clip was uploaded on 20 July 2018 (ca. 5 days ago). You can always --info a pid to query its expiry date: get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=p06f928w -i | FindStr expires =>
expires:        in 80y 159 days 0 hours (2099-01-01T00:00:00+00:00)

Another example:
Prom 9, on Sat 21 Jul 2018

https://www.bbc.co.uk/events/emrz3d =>
https://www.bbc.co.uk/events/emrz3d/play/aw2mn3/b0bbp9kx [4d]

https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0bbp9kx This audio excerpt was first broadcast on 21/07/2018, 19:30 BST, if you --info the pid and search for "firstbcastrel" you'll find
firstbcastrel:  4 days 5 hours ago

The integer approximation of this time interval is 4days, hence "4d" next to the clock sign; as you can see yourself, this clip expires in 25 days, not in 4...

*But* if I try their PIDs I find GIP fails to fetch them. Instead it tells me that the HAF modes aren't available. Yet this didn't happen for the first few proms. Questions here are why, and am I doing something wrong?

Are you sure you are passing the correct PID string to GiP?
Please post, in detail, non-working clips, and I'm sure other competent list members (if not me again) can test and advise further...

Cool greetings (to ease the UK heat, that is...)

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