On 29/10/2018 20:39, I wrote:

At present I am still testing it with default file locations.  I have run into a problem I have so far been unable to solve; it hangs while tagging.  If I repeat the run with get_iplayer --force --tag-only --verbose it displays the metadata it has processed followed by
  Started writing to temp file.
  Progress: >  0% ------------------------------------------------------|

It does not move from 0%.

It seems those words were written by AtomicParsley. "Started writing" occurs at line 4859 of parsley.cpp and "Progress:" at 4360. I am going to have to work out how get_iplayer invokes AtomicParsley to write to a temp file. That is unfortunate because although AtomicParsley documentation describes the tags and the format of a .mp4 file, there is very little on how to invoke it.

I have also realised that even if I solve this problem I am still going to have a problem with the --output option in the options file. The kubuntu version will need to be


while the Windows bash shell version will need to be (if writing to the F:\ drive)


so I can't have a single options file common to both installations. I guess I'll need a script to edit the options file every time I start get_iplayer.

Best wishes

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