On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 09:40:34AM +0000, MacFH - C E Macfarlane wrote:
> I can only speak for myself. Most of my hardware has insufficient grunt to be
> able to VM satisfactorily.

Back in 1999, I was using VMWare 1.0 to run Windows 95 on a Linux box so we
could test the websites we'd built. My work PC would have been something like a
Pentium 166 with 16MB of RAM. I don't recall it being unacceptably slow, but
Windows 95 was never really much of a performer even on bare metal.

"Most of my hardware" is considerably scabbier than that, but that's because I
collect interesting old curiosities. I suspect that get_iplayer would still run
on my Amiga 1200.

If your machine is even slower than that, do yourself a favour and drag it to
the nearest skip. You'll probably find a much better machine already in there
waiting for you.

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