On 03 Nov 2018, artisticforge Niemand wrote:

> Hello;
> the entry for Natural World 2009-2010 Episode 13 Saving Luna is
> list in the tv.cache and get_iplayer --info --type=tv --pid=b00q2s16 returns
> Which appears to state that it should be available.
> I am trying to understand why this happens time to time.

Interesting. I get --

INFO: No versions of this programme were selected (available versions: none)

Indeed, https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00q2s16 has it as,

Sorry, this episode is not currently available

Maybe the information changed since it got cached?

It's interesting that --info tells me categories though. I miss those
from the normal default programme listing I get from get_iplayer
searches. Perhaps there's an option I should type to still get them.

-- Mark

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