On 21/03/2019 08:52, CJB wrote:
The naming of the files to include 'original' or 'shortened' seems to
imply that some dialogue has been removed.

Maybe 'original' means full length tape broadcasts as aired years ago,
whereas 'shortened' means from a transcription disc. Or maybe the
'original' sans imagined un-PC references                                       
I think shortened means that material has been removed to fit a shorter slot in the schedule.  I have only seen it for television but there is no reason it should not also apply to radio.  One example was a 45 minute episode of Homes Under the Hammer covering three properties which was shortened to 30 minutes by only including two of the properties.  Unfortunately the description in the iPlayer still had all three properties, and it was the property I wanted to hear about which was left out!

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