On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 01:35:39AM +0100, Peter S Kirk wrote:
> It started impacting Youtube a few months ago - all BBC Comedy, Docu, Drama
> third party uploads being deleted and replaced with Pay To View.

It may be worth noting that many of those videos are only blocked for UK IP
addresses, and the rest of the world can still view them. A solution thus
presents itself.

> All the old stuff I've watched was a nostalga trip and usually abandonded
> after concluded "Good in it's day, rubbish now" - pay = no.

That old stuff is also now dirt-cheap on DVD. Streaming is for those with more
money than patience to wait for a box set to turn up in the post, or who can't
be bothered to root around the bargain bins.

I picked up I CLAVDIVS the other day; a brace of DVD-10s containing twelve
hours of baby-eating action for a fiver. Bargain! It has Dutch subtitles, but
eh, whatever, het is goed voor mijn Nederlands. Apparently Dutch kids are made
of sterner stuff because Kijkwijzer gave it a lower rating than the BBFC.

> So far News & Current affairs eg QT still permited.

The stuff that's not worth pirating, you mean? :)

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