On 16/10/2019 09:26, Budge wrote:

I have it now.  My misunderstanding was that I was putting the file
address where file is in the command line, not putting the file into the
place where GiP settings have it.   Sorry for my mistake.

I have got this wrong. There is no bug. Sorry to have misled you. When I tried to re-tag files whose streams were no longer available it failed because I too had got the file locations wrong.

All the WARNING messages about "No media stream found ..." are rather confusing. If --tag-only works correctly when there are no streams available it displays four WARNING messages and two INFO messages followed by
Tagging M4A [or MP4]

If the file to be tagged cannot be found when there are no streams available it displays the same four WARNING messages and two INFO messages followed by a WARNING message
"Cannot tag missing file: ..."

It would be better if the if statement at line 5457 of the v3.22 script were moved above line 5445.

Best wishes

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