On 28/06/2022 17:43, B wrote:

I was trying to use the GiP PVR to download all the Glasto programmes
but for some reason the search returns fewer results than expected.
Namely searching for "glastonbury" as "name" in tv & radio gets 89
hits and that includes some from other years.
But https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/b007r6vx/glastonbury says
142 Episodes Available and if I do that from get_iplayer manually i.e.
get_iplayer --pid b007r6vx --pid-recursive --subtitles  --metadata
--thumbnail --tv-quality=fhd
it returns: INFO: 205 total programmes

Why the large difference?

The same thing tends to happen with Wimbledon and other large events. I suspect that some of the 'extra' programmes are Red Button, iPlayer only, or otherwise outside the remit or the time frame of the programme searching mechanism. I would suggest using the
        --pid --pid-recursive
method instead.

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