Am Samstag, 11. August 2018, 03:55:00 CEST schrieb Reepca Russelstein:
> Got around to installing that windows build recently. A couple things:
> - I can't seem to build under MSYS2 - building a release complains at
> config.sub.

Complains what exactly?

> - gforth64 goes in Program Files (x86). I would have expected it to go
> in Program Files. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Turns out Inno Setup needs a setting to actually enable 64 bit installs if it 
is on 64 bit systems  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

When I'm at it, I can just make it install 64 bit if you have 64, and 32 bit 
if you haven't. Any ideas how to actually test that the 32 bit install really 
works (no 32 bit Windows available, and Inno Setup has no command line option 
to trick it into thinking it is running on a 32 bit system).

> - the directory structure seems a bit, uh... flat. I guess I'm just
> wondering where I should install libraries into - I don't see a
> site-forth directory or anything.

Where's a site-forth directory on a Windows supposed to be?

Bernd Paysan
"If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself"
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