interessante novita'; forse nel prossimo futuro una drastica
rivoluzione potrebbe cambiare radicalmente le modalita' di
georeferenziazione delle informazioni.

nei giorni scorsi OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) ha
ufficialmente approvato la specifica DGGS (Discrete
Global Grid System) [1], [2]



"The goal of DGGS is to enable rapid assembly of spatial data
without the difficulties of working with projected coordinate
reference systems. The OGC DGGS Abstract Specification standard
defines the conceptual model and a set of rules for building
highly efficient architectures for spatial data storage,
integration and analytics."

"DGGS will provide the capability to properly integrate global
geospatial, social, and economic information. It also allows
communities with data attributed to fundamentally different
geographies to integrate this information in a single
consistent framework"

"DGGS will revolutionise the way we perceive, work with, and
visualise spatial information."

"DGGS are a technology that allow the harmonisation of raster,
vector, and point cloud data in a common, globally consistent
framework – enabling the spatial industry to overcome some key
challenges presented by traditional GIS approaches; namely, the
‘raster-vector divide’, as well as the use of map projections"

"DGGSs represent the Earth as hierarchical sequences of equal
area tessellations on the surface of the Earth, each with global
coverage and with progressively finer spatial resolution.
Individual observations can be assigned to a cell corresponding
to both the position and size of the phenomenon being observed.
DGGS come with a standard set of functional algorithms that enable
rapid data analysis of very large numbers of cells and, by their
very nature, are well suited to parallel processing applications
at multiple spatial resolutions."

"DGGS represents the paradigm shift that will allow us to
overcome some of the critical barriers preventing us from
realising the true potential that Big Data promises to deliver”

ciao Sandro
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