prendendo spunto da questa pagina[0] sto cercando di esportare un intero db
PostGIS in SpatiaLITE. Il db in questione non ha nessun trigger attivo,
nessuna view, ma solo semplici tabelle con geometrie e senza.

Quando cerco di esportare una singola tabella ci riesco senza problemi; il
db.sqlite viene creato senza problemi e correttamente. Se invece cerco di
esportare tutto il db mi viene restituito questo errore:
/ERROR 1: PQconnectdb failed.
missing "=" after "\" in connection info string

Unable to open datasource `PG:dbname='miodb' \ active_schema=public
schemas=public host='localhost' port='5432' user='postgres' password='0000'
' with the following drivers.
  -> `JP2ECW'
  -> `FileGDB'
  -> `MSSQLSpatial'
  -> `OCI'
  -> `SOSI'
  -> `PCIDSK'
  -> `netCDF'
  -> `JP2OpenJPEG'
  -> `PDF'
  -> `DB2ODBC'
  -> `ESRI Shapefile'
  -> `MapInfo File'
  -> `UK .NTF'
  -> `OGR_SDTS'
  -> `S57'
  -> `DGN'
  -> `OGR_VRT'
  -> `REC'
  -> `Memory'
  -> `BNA'
  -> `CSV'
  -> `NAS'
  -> `GML'
  -> `GPX'
  -> `LIBKML'
  -> `KML'
  -> `GeoJSON'
  -> `Interlis 1'
  -> `Interlis 2'
  -> `OGR_GMT'
  -> `GPKG'
  -> `SQLite'
  -> `ODBC'
  -> `WAsP'
  -> `PGeo'
  -> `OGR_OGDI'
  -> `PostgreSQL'
  -> `MySQL'
  -> `OpenFileGDB'
  -> `XPlane'
  -> `DXF'
  -> `CAD'
  -> `Geoconcept'
  -> `GeoRSS'
  -> `GPSTrackMaker'
  -> `VFK'
  -> `PGDUMP'
  -> `OSM'
  -> `GPSBabel'
  -> `SUA'
  -> `OpenAir'
  -> `OGR_PDS'
  -> `WFS'
  -> `HTF'
  -> `AeronavFAA'
  -> `Geomedia'
  -> `EDIGEO'
  -> `GFT'
  -> `SVG'
  -> `CouchDB'
  -> `Cloudant'
  -> `Idrisi'
  -> `ARCGEN'
  -> `SEGY'
  -> `XLS'
  -> `ODS'
  -> `XLSX'
  -> `ElasticSearch'
  -> `Walk'
  -> `Carto'
  -> `AmigoCloud'
  -> `SXF'
  -> `Selafin'
  -> `JML'
  -> `CSW'
  -> `VDV'
  -> `GMLAS'
  -> `TIGER'
  -> `AVCBin'
  -> `AVCE00'
  -> `HTTP'/
Ho ricontrollato la stringa ma mi sembra apposto e coincide con quella al
link[0]. La incollo di seguito: 
/ogr2ogr --config PG_LIST_ALL_TABLES YES --config PG_SKIP_VIEW YES -f
"SQLite" D:\Postgresql\export\miodb.sqlite -progress PG:"dbname='miodb' \
active_schema=public schemas=public host='localhost' port='5432'
user='postgres' password='0000' " -lco LAUNDER=yes \ -dsco SPATIALITE=yes
-lco SPATIAL_INDEX=yes -gt 65536/
Dove sto sbagliando?

[0] https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/SpatiaLite

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796 iscritti al 28/12/2017

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