> There were a couple of thing I was wondering...

Yeah ... I should have pushed that points as well ... looking at the ML, it
seems like we are kind of dangling "dead in the water" ...

> It has been almost a year since the last beta. Is there a beta release in
> the near or distant future? Maybe even one that could claw its way toward
> being a stable release?

O.K. - we should hold an IRC meeting again. I had planned one with Marcus to
push a new release out of the door, but we seem to be unable to find a
common date. I'd suggest we do a "big" IRC meeting again, and well, if only
one of us is there, I think it should suffice for authorizing a new release.

> Did we ever find a webmaster? 

No, yet another point I should have taken care for ...

I had two mails from people that would take the job. One was you, the other

I suggest you two get in touch and see, if you could team up. That would
probably be the best thing, as it give some kind of redundancy for vacations

Please then contact Steven and he will supply you with the neccesary
credentials and instructions about the current configuration of the website.

> The page does not reflect the current state of development. I could set 
> up a souceforge page if that is what is generaly of interest. 

No, I don't think we should move. We are known in the current location and 
do have excellent connectivity.

> Or I could try and take over the other page. I just don't want to see 
> people not use ggi because they think its a dead project or anything.

Right you are.

> Is someone working on arch. diagrams?

Oops - IIRC I promised that. O.K. - starting right away...

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =

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