On 18 Sep 2000, Marcus Sundberg wrote:
> > WINE handles all its signals/select processing in a server
> > process.  Somehow (and it's obfuscated, so I haven't figured 
> > it out) it seems to be able to share file descriptors with the 
> > client processes, so that even though the polling of input 
> > file descriptors is done by the server, the actual reading 
> > and processing of data happens direct from the file descriptor.
> I believe Wine uses clone(2) for that. I can't see how this would
> be possible otherwise. Should be possible to do the same with
> LibGII out of the box.

Actually, I figured it out.  Check out the manpage for "unix", 
the AF_UNIX type socket.  It has a special datagram that allows
processes to share file descriptors -- one process sends the 
datagram with an existing fd, and the other process receives a 
datagram that may have a different value for the fd, but it behaves
like it's a dup() of the other process's handle.

> Using the 'save' filter and the 'file' input on a named pipe should
> do the trick just fine.

I'll check it out, thanks.

> > int giiEventFPoll(gii_input *inp, gii_event_mask *mask,
> >  struct pollfd *ufds, unsigned int nfds, int time out);   
> > 
> > ...would this be a worthy addition to LibGII?
> Assuming it is implemented in a nice way I'd say yes.

Would it be worth extending it to handle multiple input objects along
with the multiple files?  Yes we have the join function, and we 
have a device number field in the events, but it might come in 
handy for more esoteric uses/debugging.  Anyway, it may be a while
before I work on that since I ended up deciding on doing a separate 
server instead.


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