hey, I've been noticing something interesting recently.  when i run XGGI with
one head, i have the traditional problem that the system will lock up if 
i do a VC switch to a charactor TTY, then switch back to my X sessions VT.
Other then that, things work fine...  as long as i don't switch VT's
it will run for weeks.  

However, when i run it with multiple heads, everything works fine during
my work day, but when i come back the next day (i don't log out), i see
a black screen.  If i switch to the VC i launched from, i see a "X just died"
message filling the screen.  And it get's even more interesting...

Last night i came in to use the computer at 11:00pm, and it was still working
when i got here.  This implies that it might be a time dependant thing, like
it fails after 12 hours of non-use.  It shouldn't be the screen saver, because
the screensaver runs just fine during the day (in fact it's running on that
computer right now).

My setup is a matrox AGP G400 MAX (dual head) + 2 G200 PCI cards, using the
fbdev drivers.

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