I was going to write a story here, but I seem to have run out of
inspiration at the moment. So without further ado, I present to you:
eccview 2.0 beta 1 for GGI.


This is not a killer application. In fact, not even I use it after
finished testing it, but since there seemed to be a demand for new
releases, if just to keep up the mood of GGI hackers, here it is. I
bet some cute animation wouldn't look to bad on one of the sides of
the cube. :-)

If someone could test it on a framebuffer, or something else with
a static size of the view area it would be great to hear from you. It
should hopefully adapt to the situation and let you scroll around if
the picture is to big, but that is untested.

Slightly modified excerpts from the README:

About eccview:
  eccview plays animations in the ECC format. This format is so far as
  I know only used in old Japanese RPG and dating games. The most
  common animation will depict a cute girl looking at you admiringly
  and blinking her eyes. A word of warning for the sensitive persons
  out there: ECC is short for Ecchi, which is a Japanese word usually
  translated to "pervert". So it will probably come as no surprise to
  you that clothes on the girls in question are simply not there in
  some of the animations...


  ECCs are hardly in circulation any more, so why would I take the
  code out of storage and dust it off (besides for the obvious
  FIDO-net nostalgia value)? Well, I once got the source for eccview
  from Mok years ago when I was thinking about doing a Solaris version
  of the viewer. I did make an Xlib version for Solaris Sparc, but it
  was never released. When I recently needed something to test GGI
  memory targets on I came to think of eccview, so I quickly ported it
  over. It worked, and worked better* than the old X11 version. So I
  decided to release it in case anyone would want it.

  * Cudos to the GGI guys for that. GGI is very easy to program for.


  When I was given the source I promised not to release it or a
  specification of the ECC format, and I intend to stick to my
  word. It's unfortunate, but there is nothing to do about it. 

  If you can't run the provided binaries on your favorite OS, tell me
  about it and I'll consider getting hold of a machine of that kind
  and make an extra binary. No promises though.

Peter Bortas                   http://peter.bortas.org
Roxen IS                       http://www.roxen.com

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