On 15/02/13 20:31, Johan Tibell wrote:
On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 12:02 PM, Nicolas Frisby
<nicolas.fri...@gmail.com <mailto:nicolas.fri...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thanks for rallying everyone! I made a bit of a breakthrough while
    trying to pinpoint where the linker is invoked.
    Here's the situation:
       * If I use nofib's "make" command to build the text, the
    executable does not have the function symbols in its .text section.
    The .o files do have them.
       * If I use ghc --make instead, the symbols survive in the executable.
    I'm not up to sleuthing out the details at the moment. Should I open
    a Trac ticket?

Sounds like make for nofib strips the executables after they are
created. That probably makes sense if nofib also measures executable
sizes, but it might screw you up here. Using ghc --make (command copied
form whatever nofib uses) is probably the right thing to do while you're
debugging any performance issues.

Ah yes, I usually have


in my mk/build.mk

Probably a good idea to get rid of the stripping completely, it doesn't affect the size measurements anyway which use the 'size' command.


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