Hello *,

...currently, when generating Haddock for `base` I see the warnings
below; shall those warnings remain for GHC 7.8.1, or do we want to
export (at least some of) the missing link destinations to reduce the
amount of Haddock warnings?

| Warning: Data.Type.Coercion: could not find link destinations for:
|     GHC.Types.Coercible
| Warning: Data.Typeable.Internal: could not find link destinations for:
|     GHC.Prim.Proxy#
| Warning: Text.Read: could not find link destinations for:
|     GHC.Types.Coercible
| Warning: Data.List: could not find link destinations for:
|     Data.List.nonEmptySubsequences
| Warning: GHC.Foreign: could not find link destinations for:
|     GHC.Foreign.CString GHC.Foreign.CStringLen
| Warning: GHC.IO.Handle: could not find link destinations for:
|     GHC.IO.Handle.Types.Handle__ GHC.IO.Exception.ResourceVanished
| Warning: GHC.IO.Handle.FD: could not find link destinations for:
|     GHC.IO.FD.FD System.Posix.Internals.FD
| Warning: System.IO: could not find link destinations for:
|     GHC.IO.Exception.ResourceVanished
| Warning: Prelude: could not find link destinations for:
|     GHC.Types.Coercible
| Warning: Data.Data: could not find link destinations for:
|     GHC.Types.Coercible
| Warning: GHC.Event: could not find link destinations for:
|     GHC.Event.TimerManager.TimerManager

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