As someone CC'd on this email directly, I'll answer for myself: While I've 
benefited from the delay to fine-tune the behavior of certain bits & bobs, I 
didn't request the delay nor do I believe myself responsible for generating or 
needing to fix any "blocking" feature. Please correct me if I'm wrong here. 
From my vantage point, I'm ready to move to RC, and have been for some time.


On Dec 27, 2013, at 1:33 PM, Carter Schonwald <> 

> Hey Everyone,
> what is the set of tasks left before we can do a 7.8 RC? Is it there are some 
> serious bugs that have been left unaddressed? Is there anything preventing us 
> from doing an RC sometime in the next two weeks?
>  I understand certain type system related problems have been getting a bit of 
> polish over the past month or so, but if thats the blocker I'd like to know 
> so that when people ask I can point to a concrete reason.
> I can only speak for myself, but theres been a pretty painful communication 
> gap about whats left before we hit RC, and whenever someone asks me "when is 
> 7.8 coming out, and how can i help make it happen on time?", I can only reply 
> with "no one knows" and "do stuff". 
> that said, happy holidays and preemptive happy new years to everyone!
> -Carter

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