Thank you!

| -----Original Message-----
| From: Herbert Valerio Riedel []
| Sent: 04 March 2014 12:29
| To: Simon Peyton Jones
| Cc:; Austin Seipp
| Subject: Re: misbehaving?
| On 2014-03-04 at 12:57:11 +0100, Simon Peyton Jones wrote:
| > I'm getting
| > fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer
| >
| > when I try git pull from
| >             git://
| >
| > Works ok if I try
| >    This happens from both
| > Windows and Linux.
| > Anyone know what is going on?
| Fixed!
| It was a problem on with git-daemon processes getting
| stuck for some yet unknown reason (which I still need to investigate --
| I've seen reports from other sites experiencing the same issue)
| Austin, do we have monitoring for the git:// TCP port in place?
| Cheers,
|   hvr
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