On 2014-04-01 at 12:46:05 +0200, Joachim Breitner wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Dienstag, den 01.04.2014, 10:25 +0000 schrieb Simon Peyton Jones:
>> Joachim Breitner has set up Travis-CI.  (I don't know exactly what
>> that is, but it sounds useful.)
> Travis is a free cloud service that runs arbitrary tests (in our case, a
> stripped version of validate) upon pushes to git repositories on github.
> I set it up to validate our master, so we get a nice history of
> successes and failures on
> https://travis-ci.org/nomeata/ghc-complete/builds
> and I get mails when things fail; that is when I send hopefully polite
> enough mails to ghc-dev, asking people to fix their commits.

What's more, we also have TravisCI set-up for the various libraries/*
sub-packages, to make sure they work as announced by their respective
.cabal files with older GHC/base-version configurations (so if anybody
pushes a commit that breaks that contract, email notifications are sent
out), here's a non-exhaustive list of examples:

 - https://travis-ci.org/ghc/packages-process

 - https://travis-ci.org/ghc/packages-unix

 - https://travis-ci.org/ghc/packages-hpc

 - https://travis-ci.org/ghc/packages-parallel

 - https://travis-ci.org/ghc/packages-deepseq

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