On 2014-04-07 at 12:45:49 +0200, Kim-Ee Yeoh wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Kim-Ee Yeoh <k...@atamo.com> wrote:
>> More importantly, are external links nofollow'd [1] to reduce spam
>> incentive? Doesn't appear so [2] if you view html source and search for
>> "reddit thread". There's a whole bunch of material when I search for "trac
>> nofollow", so maybe that's the answer.
> Apparently 'nofollow' is not the answer, according to:
> http://trac.edgewall.org/ticket/1145
> This guy has a lot of success leaning on Akismet and captcha for this
> tracspam setup:
> http://news.thedigitalmachine.com/2012/07/26/howto-configure-tracspam-to-allow-anonymous-ticket-creation-in-trac/

well, it was actually Akismet (as well as others) that declared Gergo's
content (which was basically a pasted commit message) to be spam
(ultimately giving it such a low scoring that even reCaptcha wouldn't
compensate for it)

Here's the score-computation:

    Akismet (-5): Akismet says content is spam
    AuthenticatedUserScore (4): User is authenticated
    BotScout (-2): BotScout says this is spam (Y|MULTI|IP|0|MAIL|0|NAME|3)
    Captcha (10): Human verified via CAPTCHA (Recaptcha)
    Defensio (2): Defensio says content is allowed (legitimate, 0.2, none)
    Session (0): Existing session found
    StopForumSpam (0): StopForumSpam says this is spam (username [0.01])

As for the previous question of whether the email-addresses of spammers
follow any obvious pattern, not always; we've had a few spammers with
ordinary looking gmail.com addresses as well; in the cases they do, one
of the external anti-spam service usually classifies it as potential
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