I've just cloned GHC, on Windows and typed "sh validate".  But it dies as 
below.  And indeed the directory ghc-tarballs doesn't exist.  Should it?  How 
do I get it?

Target platform inferred as: i386-unknown-mingw32

GHC build  : i386-unknown-mingw32

GHC host   : i386-unknown-mingw32

GHC target : i386-unknown-mingw32

configure: Building in-tree ghc-pwd

checking for path to top of build tree... C:/code/ghc-injective

configure: Making in-tree mingw tree

tar (child): ../../ghc-tarballs/mingw/binutils*.tar.lzma: Cannot open: No such 
file or directory

tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now

tar: Child returned status 2

tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

./configure: line 4217: inplace/mingw/bin/realgcc.exe: No such file or directory

configure: In-tree mingw tree created

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