On 8 February 2016 at 03:13, Ben Gamari <b...@well-typed.com> wrote:
>     http://downloads.haskell.org/~ghc/8.0.1-rc2/

Thank you for RC2.

I finally built ghc-8.0.0 for Fedora Rawhide (quick build):
(perf build is still ongoing).

One minor thing I noticed is that docdir seems have changed RC2 to be versioned.
ie the LICENSE files for the included libraries now get installed under
"/usr/share/doc/ghc-<version>/html/libraries/*/" rather than
"/usr/share/doc/ghc/html/libraries/*/" before.
I managed to work around that by configuring with
--docdir=/usr/share/doc but it took me by surprise.

I should open a ticket I guess...

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