> On 14 Mar 2016, at 8:06 pm, Simon Peyton Jones <simo...@microsoft.com> wrote:
> But my rough answer would be: IORefs are really only meant for 
> single-threaded work.  Use STM for concurrent communication.

You can also use atomicModifyIORef for simple things. 

> Why can’t GHC tighten the semantics of IORefs so that the bind operation 
> simply means sequential composition?

Part of the problem is that IO encomposes all sorts of computational effects, 
including ones that don’t have a well defined notion of time. File and network 
effects are also a problem, not just IORefs. The IO instance of bind composes 
two IO computations, but the computations themselves could do anything.

A first step is to split the IO type into more fine grained effects, perhaps 
ones that can be properly sequentialized and those which can’t (or should not 
be). Many people have done work on more expressive effect systems, though no 
system so far has been good enough to want to refactor the GHC base libraries 
using it.

On a more philosophical level, Haskell types are statements in a simple 
predicate logic which does not natively know anything about time. Functions 
don’t know about time either, so it’s a bit odd to ask a functional operator to 
do something sequential (at least relative to the real world). In the “awkward 
squad” paper note that the functional encoding of the bind operator *passes* 
the world from one place to another -- it is not part of the world, and does 
not act upon the world itself.

In recent work on effect systems there are a lot of embeddings of modal logics 
into the ambient Haskell/predicate logic, and the embeddings then suffer an 
encoding overhead. AFAIK the future lies in type systems that natively express 
temporal concepts, rather than needing tricky encodings of them, but we’re not 
there yet.


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