On 26/02/2018 19:19, Ben Gamari wrote:
Sylvain Henry <sylv...@haskus.fr> writes:

On 25/02/2018 21:30, Ben Gamari wrote:
Hmm, I'm afraid that's not particularly illuminating.

It would be helpful to see the output from -ddump-if-trace as this will
tell you why GHC is trying to load this interface file.
Thanks, it has been helpful. The relevant trace is:

Need decl for mkNatural
Considering whether to load GHC.Natural {- SYSTEM -}
Reading interface for base-;
      reason: Need decl for mkNatural
readIFace libraries/base/dist-install/build/GHC/Natural.hi

Now I still don't know why GHC is trying to load the interface of the
module it is compiling.
Keep in mind that GHC may call upon mkNatural while typechecking even
without an import as it is known-key. The output of -ddump-tc-trace
might also help identify whether this is the case.

It must be something like this because I get the same error even when I reduce GHC.Natural module to:

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
module GHC.Natural where

I would help if there were some way I could reproduce this.
The failing patch is here: https://phabricator.haskell.org/D4212

Let's continue the discussion there to avoid spamming this list ;)

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