> Is the "cml_cont" field of the CmmCall variant is really used in practice?

Seconding what Michal has already said, yes, the `cml_cont` field is used quite 
a bit in Cmm.

Any non-tail call in the program will have this field populated with 
information about where control-flow continues after the call returns.

This field is used for some important steps, such as Proc Point analysis ( 
CmmProcPoint.callProcPoints ), the result of which is used to layout the stack. 
Stack layout uses the information about what values are live in the 
continuation block of a non-tail call to determine what values need to be saved 
to the stack.

Thus, the control-flow graph structure of a CmmProc is defined in part by the 
`cml_cont` field (see the Cmm specific instance of Hoopl's NonLocal class in 
CmmNode, where it is used to indicate successors of a block).

> I traversed the output of raw Cmm produced by ghc compiling the whole base 
> package, but the value of cml_cont is always Nothing.

Hrm, were you looking for "returns to" in that output?


> On Mar 18, 2018, at 8:52 AM, Michal Terepeta <michal.terep...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 6:38 AM Shao, Cheng <cheng.s...@tweag.io 
> <mailto:cheng.s...@tweag.io>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Is the "cml_cont" field of the CmmCall variant is really used in practice? I 
> traversed the output of raw Cmm produced by ghc compiling the whole base 
> package, but the value of cml_cont is always Nothing.
> Regards,
> Shao Cheng
> Hi,
> I'm not a GHC expert, so please don't trust everything I say ;)
> That being said, I think `cml_cont` is used a lot. If you look at the
> `compiler/codeGen` directory (that's what turns STG to cmm), you'll
> see that `MkGraph.mkCallReturnsTo` is called a few times. That's the
> function that will construct a `CmmCall` with the continuation block.
> When dumping cmm, you'll often see all those `returns to` notes. For
> instance, compiling:
> ```
> foo :: Int -> Int
> foo x =
>   case x of
>     42 -> 111111
>     _  -> 000000
> ```
> results in:
> ```
>        [...]
>        c2cN: // global
>            I64[Sp - 8] = c2cI;
>            R1 = R2;
>            Sp = Sp - 8;
>            if (R1 & 7 != 0) goto c2cI; else goto c2cJ;
>        // Evaluate the parameter.
>        c2cJ: // global
>            call (I64[R1])(R1) returns to c2cI, args: 8, res: 8, upd: 8;
>            //                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>            //                 this specifies the continuation block
>            //                 see also PprCmm.pprNode
>        // Now check if it's 42.
>        c2cI: // global
>            if (I64[R1 + 7] == 42) goto c2cU; else goto c2cT;
>        c2cU: // global
>        [...]
> ```
> As far as I understand it, this allows the code above to jump to the
> `x` closure (to evalutae it), and have the closure jump back to the
> continuation block (note that it's address is stored before we jump to
> closure). AFAICS this particular code is created by
> `StgCmmExpr.emitEnter`.
> Hope this helps!
> - Michal
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