I've noticed that "sh" (which is invoked at lot by make etc) takes AGES to 
start up.  At least I think it's 'sh' that is causing the delay.
I think it's c:/msys64/usr/bin/sh.exe
>From searching the web (eg 
>https://www2.cs.duke.edu/csl/docs/unix_course/intro-60.html)  it seems likely 
>that it executes c:/msys64/etc/profile first.
And If I put an 'echo' at the start and end of that file, they do seem to take 
place with a significant gap between them.
I have not started sprinkling more echos, but does that ring any bells?
Can I replace 'sh' with c:/msys64/usr/bin/bash.exe, which seems to be faster?   
(My evnt variable SHELL already points to bash.exe. )  And if so, how would I 
do that? An environment variable.  Physically copy bash.exe to sh.exe?  Or what?
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