> On Aug 11, 2018, at 11:27 AM, Vassil Ognyanov Keremidchiev <var...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> What are the new features there toward Dependent Typed Haskell?

Ben's link to 
 includes several items, pasted here:

* A new StarIsType 
 language extension has been added which controls whether * is parsed as 
Data.Kind.Type or a regular type operator. StarIsType 
 is enabled by default.

* CUSKs now require all kind variables to be explicitly quantified. This was 
already the case with TypeInType 
 but now PolyKinds 
 also exhibits this behavior.

* Functionality of TypeInType 
 has been subsumed by PolyKinds 
 and it is now merely a shorthand for PolyKinds 
 and NoStarIsType 
 The users are advised to avoid TypeInType 
 due to its misleading name: the Type :: Type axiom holds regardless of whether 
it is enabled.

These are small steps, to be sure, but there's quite a bit going on behind the 
scenes. For example see the "Coercion Quantification" and "Type-level visible 
type applications" to take place at HIW 

There are also a great many proposals in play at 

More to come in the future, of course!
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