> El 28 mar 2019, a las 3:26 PM, Richard Eisenberg <r...@richarde.dev> escribió:


> 2. I get pilloried every time I say it, but I vastly prefer global package 
> databases to local ones.

I'll second this in one specific context. v2-build has been amazing at work and 
in general for project-based development, but – and maybe simply because I 
don't know the right incantations – a step backwards for impromptu coding where 
I don't want to set up a whole project to start messing with an idea.

I've actually fallen back to v1-install for this specific usecase: I have a set 
of ~15 packages, all installed from local git repos, some of which depend on 
others, that I *always* want when I'm in GHCi. It's basically my base. I may 
simply be doing it wrong but I've been unable to use the "global ghc.env file" 
trick successfully.

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