> On Mar 18, 2020, at 11:52 PM, Carter Schonwald <carter.schonw...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> After talking with several folks, feedback has been that best practices are 
> to make sure the notice is a week before hand. 
> So what I’ll do is personally reach out to those who aren’t 2fa enabled in 
> the Haskell gh org (and haven’t commented on this thread )and ask them to 
> enable 2fa on their GitHub account. Perhaps I should attach a 2fa options 
> explainer ! 
> I’ll look at folks responses and if everyone active has made the switch over, 
> I’ll look to do a transition next Monday or Tuesday. 

If best practices are to wait a week... shouldn't we wait a week? There's no 
fire here.

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