
Right now, there is one rule: if the type of any variable bound in the
> pattern is unlifted, then the pattern is an unlifter-var pattern and is
> strict.

I think the intuition I followed so far was "bindings with unlifted *RHS*
are strict".
So if I take a program in a strict language with Haskell syntax (Idris with
a different syntax, not like -XStrict) and replace all types with their
unlifted counterparts (which should be possible once we have
-XUnliftedDatatypes), then I get exactly the same semantics in GHC Haskell.
I find this property very useful.
As a special case that means that any binders of unlifted type are bound
strictly, if only for uniformity with simple variable bindings. I think my
intuition is different to Richard's rule only for the "unlifted constructor
match with nested lifted-only variable matches" case.


Am Do., 3. Sept. 2020 um 14:48 Uhr schrieb Spiwack, Arnaud <

> This thread is suggesting to add a special case -- one that seems to match
>> intuition, but it's still a special case. And my question is: should the
>> special case be for unboxed tuples? or should the special case be for any
>> pattern whose overall type is unlifted?
> My intuition would be: for all unlifted types. I'd submit that the
> distinction between lazy and strict pattern-matching doesn't really make a
> ton of sense for unlifted types. To implement lazy pattern-matching on an
> unlifted type, one has to actually indirect through another type, which I
> find deeply suspicious.
> That being said
> Right now, there is one rule: if the type of any variable bound in the
>> pattern is unlifted, then the pattern is an unlifter-var pattern and is
>> strict. The pattern must be banged, unless the bound variable is not
>> nested. This rule is consistent across all features.
>  I realise that there are a lot of subtil details to get right to specify
> pattern-matching. Or at the very least, that it's difficult to come up with
> a straightforward specification which is as clear as the one above.
> I'm wondering though: have there been discussions which led to the above
> rule, or did it just come to be, mostly informally? (and if there have been
> explicit discussions, are they recorded somewhere?)
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