That's bizarre. Does it still happen with explicit braces?

Just to test, I tried

module Bug where {
x = 5;
y = 6;

and GHC rejected because of the trailing ;.


> On Jan 19, 2021, at 4:35 PM, Alan & Kim Zimmerman <> wrote:
> I am (still) working on !2418 to bring the API Annotations into the GHC 
> ParsedSource, and making good progress.
> I am currently making a rough port of ghc-exactprint, to ensure I can get all 
> the tests around modifying the AST to work.
> One of the last pieces is being able to capture the spacing from the last 
> token in the file to the EOF.  I guess technically it is the second last 
> token.
> Empirically (calling getTokenStream), it seems this is always ITsemi.  I am 
> not sure how this comes about, as the `module` parsing rule in Parser.y ends 
> with body or body2, and those both finish with an actual or virtual '}'.
> Can I rely on the token before ITEof always being ITsemi?
> Alan
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