
I've been looking at CI recently again, as I was facing CI turnaround times
of 9-12hs; and this just keeps dragging out and making progress hard.

The pending pipeline currently has 2 darwin, and 15 windows builds waiting.
Windows builds on average take ~220minutes. We have five builders, so we
can expect this queue to be done in ~660 minutes assuming perfect
scheduling and good performance. That is 11hs! The next windows build can
be started in 11hs. Please check my math and tell me I'm wrong!

If you submit a MR today, with some luck, you'll be able to know if it will
be mergeable some time tomorrow. At which point you can assign it to marge,
and marge, if you are lucky and the set of patches she tries to merge
together is mergeable, will merge you work into master probably some time
on Friday. If a job fails, well you have to start over again.

What are our options here? Ben has been pretty clear about not wanting a
broken commit for windows to end up in the tree, and I'm there with him.

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