Thanks for the input, all. I'm now convinced that retaining the current 
odd/even scheme has concrete benefits and am happy to continue doing it.


> On Mar 2, 2021, at 10:36 AM, Phyx <> wrote:
> I am also against not using the odd/even versioning scheme. 
> My objections are similar to what Edward mentioned in that adding "junks" at 
> the end of the build number is problematic for packagers of the toolchain 
> where the packaging has its own way to mark something pre-release. 
> If GHC were to invent its own thing, especially if it's alpha numeric this 
> would be a huge pain for no real benefit. 
> A beginner can quickly see on Wikipedia or other places that the compiler 
> only does even numbered releases, but the changes has a lot of wide spreading 
> implications. 
> Kind regards, 
> Tamar 
> Sent from my Mobile
> On Tue, Mar 2, 2021, 09:34 Edward Kmett < 
> <>> wrote:
> In the past I've gained non-zero utility from having the spacer there to 
> allow me to push patches in to allow HEAD builds while features are still in 
> flux. Some of those in flux changes -- to my mild chagrin -- made it out to 
> hackage, but were handled robustly because I wasn't claiming in the code that 
> it worked on the next major release of GHC. Admittedly this was in the 
> before-times, when it was much harder to vendor specific versions of packages 
> for testing. Now with stack.yaml and cabal.project addressing that detail it 
> is much reduced concern.
> That isn't to say there is zero cost to losing every other version number, 
> but if we want to allow GHC versions and PVP versions to mentally "fit in the 
> same type" the current practice has the benefit that it doesn't require us 
> either doing something like bolting tags back into Data.Version to handle the 
> "x.y.nightly" or forcing everyone to move to the real next release the moment 
> the new compiler ships with a bunch of a jump, or generally forcing more 
> string-processing nonsense into build systems. Right now version numbers go 
> up and you can use some numerical shenanigans to approximate them with a 
> single integer for easy ifdefs.
> I'm ever so slightly against recoloring the bikeshed on the way we manage the 
> GHC  version number, just because I know my tooling is robust around what we 
> have, and I don't see marked improvement in the status quo being gained, 
> while I do foresee a bit of complication around the consumption of ghc as a 
> tool if we change
> -Edward
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2021 at 8:30 PM Richard Eisenberg < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi devs,
> I understand that GHC uses the same version numbering system as the Linux 
> kernel did until 2003(*), using odd numbers for unstable "releases" and even 
> ones for stable ones. I have seen this become a point of confusion, as in: 
> "Quick Look just missed the cutoff for GHC 9.0, so it will be out in GHC 9.2" 
> "Um, what about 9.1?"
> Is there a reason to keep this practice? Linux moved away from it 18 years 
> ago and seems to have thrived despite. Giving this convention up on a new 
> first-number change (the change from 8 to 9) seems like a good time.
> I don't feel strongly about this, at all -- just asking a question that maybe 
> no one has asked in a long time.
> Richard
> (*) I actually didn't know that Linux stopped doing this until writing this 
> email, wondering why we needed to tie ourselves to Linux. I coincidentally 
> stopped using Linux full-time (and thus administering my own installation) in 
> 2003, when I graduated from university.
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