"Alan & Kim Zimmerman" <alan.z...@gmail.com> writes:

> I have been running a branch in !2418[1] for just over a year to migrate
> the ghc-exactprint functionality directly into the GHC AST[2], and I am now
> satisfied that it is able to provide all the same functionality as the
> original.
> This is one of the features intended for the impending 9.2.1 release, and
> it needs to be reviewed to be able to land.  But the change is huge, as it
> mechanically affects most files that interact with the GHC AST.
> So I have split out a precursor !5158 [3] with just the new types that are
> used to represent the annotations, so it can be a focal point for
> discussion.
> It is ready for review, please comment if you have time and interest.
Thanks Alan! I'll have a look.


- Ben

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