Alfredo writes (below for full thread)

That is a deceptively simple question you ask there :-) I don't have a strong 
view myself, but I can offer the perspective of somebody who was been for a 
long time on the "other side of the trenches" (i.e. working Haskell programmer, 
not necessarily working GHC programmer):

* Blog post: yes, it's true that is a snapshot, and it's true that is not under 
GHC's gitlab umbrella, so I wouldn't treat it as a reliable source of 
documentation (for the reasons you also explain) but it's surely a good 
testament that "at this point in time, for this particular GHC commit, things 
were this way);

* The wiki page: in the past, when I wanted to learn more about some GHC 
feature, Google would point me to the relevant Wiki page on the GHC repo 
describing such a feature, but I have to say I have almost always dismissed it, 
because everybody knows Wikis are seldomly up-to-date :) In order for a Wiki 
page to work we would have to at least add a banner at the top that states this 
can be trusted as a reliable source of information, and offer in the main 
section the current, up-to-date design. We can still offer the historical 
breakdown of the designs in later sections, as it's still valuable info to keep;

* GHC notes: I have always considered GHC notes a double-edge sword -- from one 
side they are immensely useful when navigating the source code, but these won't 
be rendered in the Hackage's haddocks, and this is not helpful for 
GHC-the-library users willing to understand how to use (or which is the 
semantic of) a particular type (sure, one can click "Show Source" on Hackage 
but it's an annoying extra step to do just to hunt for notes). We already have 
Notes for this work in strategic places -- even better, we have proper Haddock 
comments for things like "Severity vs DiagnosticReason" , e.g.<>

Yes Haddock doesn't understand Notes but that's a deficiency in Haddock!  There 
so much in GHC that simply does not fit well with the Haddocks attached to a 
particular data decl or function.  We need Notes to explain how all the moving 
parts fit together, and to point to them.

Even better, we have proper Haddock comments for things like "Severity vs 

But I don't think this is better - I think it is significantly worse!   In the 
case you cite, the Haddock is about DiagnosticReason, and mentions Severity 
only incidentally.  I bet that the Haddock for Severity doesn't refer to this.  
 Nor is there a clear "Note [Severity vs DiagnosticReason]" title that bits of 
code across GHC can refer to by saying "See Note [Severity vs 
DiagnosticReason]".   It's far less satisfactory (to me) than a single Note that

  *   covers just one topic (the difference between Severity and 
DiagnosticReason, rather than fully describing either
  *   can be pointed to symmetrically from both Severity and DiagnosticReason
  *   can be pointed to by many other bits of code

The way it is better is that today's Haddock doesn't understand Notes.  But we 
could fix that if we were minded to.

Returning to how to document the error-message architecture, if you'd prefer to 
use a Note than a wiki page, that's fine.  But please write that Overview Note 
that explains all the pieces, points to them one by one.  And then copiously 
refer to that Note from all those places, so people will update it.

Hopefully as the time goes by the new design will "spread" across all the 
different peers working on GHC, and it will become "second nature".

I really don't think that will happen unless there is a Note that explains what 
the new design is!  Lacking this explicit design, everyone will infer their own 
mental model of how it all works from sundry scattered clues - and those mental 
models will differ.   So instead of one thing "spreading"  a dozen subtly 
different things will spread.  And then the next one, confused by these 
slightly different clues, will be even less coherent.

Let's have one, fully-explicit version of The Plan that we constantly refer to.

cc'ing ghc-devs because we must constantly question and refine how we describe 
and document GHC.


PS: I am leaving Microsoft at the end of November 2021, at which point<> will cease to work.  Use<> instead.  (For 
now, it just forwards to

From: Alfredo Di Napoli <>
Sent: 26 August 2021 07:25
To: Simon Peyton Jones <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell Community] [Links] [Well-Typed Blog] The new GHC 
diagnostic infrastructure

Hello Simon!

On Wed, 25 Aug 2021 at 13:36, Simon Peyton Jones 
<<>> wrote:

Thanks for all the work you are doing on GHC's error message infrastructure.  
Your blog post gives a great overview.

Thanks, and I am glad you enjoyed it :)

As you know I'm very keen for GHC to have a Note or wiki page that gives a 
solid, up-to-date overview of all the moving parts.  (NOT the design 
alternatives, nor the time sequence; just the outcome.)  This is incredibly 
useful for our future selves; and it helps ensure that people understand (say) 
the difference between Severity and DiagnosticReason, and use them correctly.

So the question is: where is the canonical overview?  It could be

  *   Your blog post below. But that is a snapshot... you aren't going to go 
back to edit it as the design evolves.  And it's not in the repo.
  *   The wiki page:<>.
  But it's hard to keep up to date (it was last edited 3 months ago).
  *   Note(s) in the code.  We seem to use this increasingly, and it has the 
great merit of being part of the source code itself.  But then we need clear 
pointer to the canonical overview Notes, and need to make sure they are up to 

I'm not advocating any particular path here... just wanting to be sure that we 
end up with a good overview somewhere! What is your view?

TL;DR Probably a combo of a well-written (and up-to-date Wiki) plus some 
carefully added Notes (and Haddock comments) in GHC might do the trick.

That is a deceptively simple question you ask there :-) I don't have a strong 
view myself, but I can offer the perspective of somebody who was been for a 
long time on the "other side of the trenches" (i.e. working Haskell programmer, 
not necessarily working GHC programmer):

* Blog post: yes, it's true that is a snapshot, and it's true that is not under 
GHC's gitlab umbrella, so I wouldn't treat it as a reliable source of 
documentation (for the reasons you also explain) but it's surely a good 
testament that "at this point in time, for this particular GHC commit, things 
were this way);

* The wiki page: in the past, when I wanted to learn more about some GHC 
feature, Google would point me to the relevant Wiki page on the GHC repo 
describing such a feature, but I have to say I have almost always dismissed it, 
because everybody knows Wikis are seldomly up-to-date :) In order for a Wiki 
page to work we would have to at least add a banner at the top that states this 
can be trusted as a reliable source of information, and offer in the main 
section the current, up-to-date design. We can still offer the historical 
breakdown of the designs in later sections, as it's still valuable info to keep;

* GHC notes: I have always considered GHC notes a double-edge sword -- from one 
side they are immensely useful when navigating the source code, but these won't 
be rendered in the Hackage's haddocks, and this is not helpful for 
GHC-the-library users willing to understand how to use (or which is the 
semantic of) a particular type (sure, one can click "Show Source" on Hackage 
but it's an annoying extra step to do just to hunt for notes). We already have 
Notes for this work in strategic places -- even better, we have proper Haddock 
comments for things like "Severity vs DiagnosticReason" , e.g.<>

So, in practical terms, I suggest we (I) give the Wiki a little overhaul to add 
at the top the current design (or anything not captured directly in GHC's 
source code) and I will keep an eye on the GHC notes and Haddock comments to 
see if there is anything worth adding. Hopefully as the time goes by the new 
design will "spread" across all the different peers working on GHC, and it will 
become "second nature".

Hope it helps, and sorry for the long ramble!




From: Alfredo Di Napoli via Haskell Community 
Sent: 23 August 2021 11:26
To: Simon Peyton Jones <<>>
Subject: [Haskell Community] [Links] [Well-Typed Blog] The new GHC diagnostic 

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August 23
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The new GHC diagnostic infrastructure - Well-Typed: The Haskell 

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