Hi devs,

I have migrated to use VSCode instead of emacs. There are the usual switchover 
pains, but I'm mostly pleased. One particular point of pleasure was that I had 
to do nothing, at all, to get VSCode working within the GHC code base. (Well, I 
had to switch to Hadrian, but perhaps that's for the best.)

My problem: VSCode over GHC pins my processor at 100% if I edit anything. Any 
advice for fixing this?

A little more detail: When VSCode starts up, it spends a while "processing" and 
"indexing" (no idea what these mean). OK. I can pay that one-time cost. But as 
I start editing, etc., it needs to process and index a lot more. Somewhat 
continuously. This slows my computer down generally, and -- more annoyingly -- 
slows down my builds (run in a separate terminal).

I understand why VSCode wants to do this: it's checking my code for errors, 
etc. But is there a way to say "not now, please"? More specifically: I'd like 
to stop VSCode from detecting errors in my code while I'm actively editing. 
It's just too slow. On the other hand, it would be brilliant if VSCode could 
continue to allow me to, say, jump to definitions and gather references, using 
its latest knowledge of the code. As I edit, I understand this "latest 
knowledge" may become stale, if I'm stopping VSCode from reprocessing and 
reindexing. So, it would be nice to be able to tell VSCode to refresh, when I 
want that.

Any pointers here? 
<https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/wikis/Visual-Studio-Code> would be a good 
place to put them!

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